What is the difference between an Author and a Writer?
Some might say that an Author has illusions whereas a Writer has a job to do.
Others might say an Author can command a by-line, whereas a Writer might be lucky to get paid on time.
And there are those that say...
An Author is expected to deliver an Author Photo, whereas a Writer is expected to deliver by the deadline.
What I do know is that Poly Styrene says...
Oh Bondage Up Yours!
And Yer Wullie has written...
And because Yer Wullie has written, and others responded before the day turned dark...
You can view The Author Photos available to anyone in need of an Author Photo of any one of Bill Drummond’s various selves below:
Others may be added as they arrive and time takes its toll.
The Penkiln Burn does not know what this website is about, other than it once began and one day it will end.
admin@penkilnburn.com is a character in the Penkiln Burn Universe.
admin@penkilnburn.com likes to answer questions that have not been asked before.
admin@penkilnburn.com will only answer questions in batches of four. Each of your four questions will be answered by admin@penkilnburn.com with four four-word answers.
At times...
admin@penkilnburn.com will express their own opinions without being asked a question first.