As of 1st of January 2025...

The Penkiln Burn Mailing List consists of no more than forty names each with physical postal addresses.


Those Forty Names will receive no more than forty Penkiln Burn Newsletters via a physical postal system.


Those Forty Penkiln Burn Newsletters will be handwritten by a character in the Penkiln Burn Universe called Pencil.


Each person on the Penkiln Burn Mailing List will be paid One Square in exchange for the attention they give to the Forty Penkiln Burn Newsletters they receive.

One Square is made from One Thousand Stitches knitted by The Governor of Cree Bank.

Cree Bank is only open in the Known Universe during the Forty Days of Lend.

The Forty Days of Lend is a period of forty days leading up to Gallo Eve.

Gallo Eve occurs on the day before the Night of The Galloverse.

The Night of the Galloverse is on the 11th of May each and every year until you die.

When you die is when The Mailing List no longer exists.


If you need to purchase a book published by Penkiln Burn Books visit and find out how and why.

Five Squares waiting to be posted as payment for the attention given by five of those on the Penkiln Burn Mailing List
Five Squares waiting to be posted as payment for the attention given by five of those on the Penkiln Burn Mailing List


The Penkiln Burn does not know what this website is about, other than it once began and one day it will end.