The Penkiln Burn Universe is tipping into the Post Digital Age.

As such...

Any individual or organisation wanting to make contact or ask questions of any characters living in the Penkiln Burn Universe must first...

Knit a woollen square containing one thousand stiches (40 rows of 25 stitches).

The wool used for this knitting must be either red, blue, yellow, black or white.

And then...

The square must be posted, along with any questions or requests, to the address given below.

The knitted square containing one thousand stitches will be deemed payment for a character in the Penkiln Burn Universe to answer those questions.

The Penkiln Burn
c/o Marlinspike Hall
IP19 9AR
The Atlantic Archipelago

Five Squares waiting to be posted as payment for the attention given by five of those on the Penkiln Burn Mailing List
Five Squares each containing one thousand stitches that others might knit in payment for a response to questions and requests


The Penkiln Burn does not know what this website is about, other than it once began and one day it will end.