To listen to chapters from the spoken novels by William E. Drummond that are available right now click…
Yet... is the second and final triptych of spoken novels by William E. Drummond.
The first of these three is THIS BOOK
The second is a local artist
The third is admin@penkilnburn.com
Each of these novels work in different ways over time.
Each of these novels relate to each other.
Yet... might be considered by some as the mirror of Or...
Or... is the first triptych of spoken novels by William E. Drummond
These novels have taken form through time since early 2024.
Or... includes...
The Life Model – first published when the Snowdrops broke through in January 2024.
To read or listen to today’s year click HERE
The Elderly Gentleman – First published when the Rooks rebuilt their nest in February 2024.
To read or listen to today’s letter click HERE
Tenzing Scott Brown – First published when the Blackthorn blossomed in March 2024.
If today is one of those 35 Wednesdays, in a year after the Blackthorn have blossomed and you feel the need to read or listen to a play click HERE.
If it is not one of those Wednesdays wait until next one of those Wednesdays.